
Barbara Markert headshot
Barbara Markert

Fashion Journalist Online Print



As journalist and business graduate with over 25 years of professional experience, I report on the economic and trendy aspects of the luxury and lifestyle industry with a strong focus on the industries of fashion, beauty and travel. Especially in the fashion industry, I have accumulated over the past decades a wealth of knowledge in the international field.

What are the media outlets you’re contributing to?
Vogue Germany, Spiegel S Magazin, The Spin Off, Schöner Wohnen, Splendid (manager magazin)

Would you like to introduce one of those outlets closer?
The Spin Off is a new magazin for sustainable fashion, coming out of the former Sporstwear International magazine.

What are the topics you cover?
Fashion (trend and economy), Beauty, Travel, Lifestyle, tradefairs, Interior design, France

What stories are you looking for?
New economic ideas, sustainable approaches, heritage stories, forgotten brands in revival

How should a founder reach out to you (via email or social media)?
via email

How can a founder create a pitch that catches your interest?
Direct email on my name from somebody, who knows what I'm doing (checked out my LinkedIn profile) and offering a clear new idea or a smart business concept which fits to my work.

What was the worst pitch you've ever received?
mass e-mails with pics about boring products, you can buy everywhere and has no interest, and the pics are in high res, so the e-mail account get blocked because they send 20 MB