
Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr headshot
Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr

Editor-in-Chief Online

Crypto Blockchain


What are the topics you cover?
blockchain, cryptocurrencies, emerging tech

How can a founder reach out to you?
Via email

How can a founder create a pitch that catches your interest?
concise, up-to-the-point, concrete, real, without additional superfluous promo language

What was the worst pitch you've ever received?
an 'exclusive' pitch from a PR director of a project that needed to be treated as a leak (sic!) because of the company's NDA.

Something we forgot to ask, but you’d like to add.
Emerging industries lack professionalism. Both journalism and PR are part of a bigger picture. PR communicators need to get more educated. Coverage needs to be more thoughtful. It is much simpler to act together.