PR ON THE GO March 23, 2024

The Rise of Niche Communities: Cultivating Audience Engagement

To explore the pivotal role niche communities play in the tapestry of creative businesses and tech startups, we've gathered insights from PR & growth experts and CEOs across industries. From the power of advocates in driving startup success to the way niche communities act as growth catalysts, our growth experts weigh in on the unique impact these groups have.

In this expert panel, discover tactics for identifying and engaging niche audiences, leveraging community-driven marketing tactics, and building loyal customer bases in competitive markets.

  • Brand awareness and recognition
  • Small circles as a powerful force
  • Niche business communities as collaborative spaces
  • Embed your product into the daily life of a community
  • Validating growth with targeted engagement
  • An unparalleled platform for market testing
  • Gather actionable user insights
  • Build a product for an existing niche community
  • Get user-generated content
  • The secret to growth is niche appeal
  • Comprehend your audience's priorities
  • Implement community-driven marketing tactics
  • Create exclusive benefits for community members
  • A focused approach
  • Identify hyper-engaged micro-audiences
  • Broad marketing strategies lose their relevance
  • A safe space for start-ups to share their value proposition
  • Create solutions to real problems

Brand awareness and recognition

Julia Voloshchenko, PR Manager at Usetech

"Forming communities within a brand play a big role in building brand reputation, its recognizability among potential customers. And it is not only creative startups that can create communities within, but also other companies. Perhaps, it will be easier for creative startups to create a direction that will interest the people around them and unite them.

Before creating a community, think about its purpose. What role will it play in the life of your brand? What kind of team do you need to work with the community? How do you plan to develop it? For example, you may need moderators (to keep order in the community), content managers, administrators. By the way, you can choose moderators among community members: there will probably be ambassadors of your brand there."

Small circles as a powerful force

Estella Struck, CEO & Founder at Viviene New York

"As a 22-year-old CEO and founder in the sustainability sector, I strongly believe in the pivotal role of niche communities for creative startups. These close-knit groups offer more than just customers; they become passionate advocates emotionally invested in our success. At my company, where values matter, my community provides a dedicated support system, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Unlike broad audiences, these smaller circles allow for more meaningful interactions and a deeper connection with our mission. Their emotional attachment translates into genuine support, feedback, and a dynamic relationship that propels the success and impact of our startup. I've found through my journey that small circles truly win, creating a powerful force that extends beyond transactional relationships."

Niche business communities as collaborative spaces

Phil McParlane, Founder & CEO at 4DayWeekJobs

"Niche business communities play a crucial role in nurturing talent for creative startups, providing a supportive space for collaboration and innovation to flourish. Within these specialized groups, people with shared expertise come together, creating an environment where professional growth is encouraged and valued. This dynamic fosters connections and ideas that drive progress within the industry.

For our niche-focused recruitment agency, active engagement with these communities is essential. By immersing ourselves in these networks, we gain access to top-tier talent perfectly suited to our clients' needs. This personalized approach allows us to match companies with candidates who not only have the right skills but also share their values and goals.

Furthermore, being part of niche business communities enhances our agency's visibility and networking opportunities. By participating in these groups, we establish ourselves as trusted experts in our field, building relationships with both clients and candidates based on mutual respect and understanding. This strengthens our reputation and enables us to further support the success of creative startups through strategic recruitment efforts."

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Embed your product into the daily life of a community

Sam Tarantino, Founder at Harmonic Reach

"From my journey with Grooveshark, one significant role niche communities play in the success of creative startups is fostering early and passionate users who can propel growth through word-of-mouth. Grooveshark tapped into music enthusiast communities by offering a platform that not only streamed their favorite tunes but also allowed them to share those tunes with others. This wasn't just about providing a service; it was about embedding our product into the daily lives of our community, making them our strongest advocates.

For instance, by understanding and engaging with various music genre communities, we tailored features that catered specifically to their needs, such as curated playlists and personalized recommendations. This targeted approach helped us in creating a service that felt bespoke to each user segment, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty. This strategy drove Grooveshark’s monthly active users to surge to 30 million, proving the power of niche marketing and community engagement.

The creation of user-generated content was another pivotal aspect where niche communities contributed to our success. By encouraging and facilitating users to create and share their playlists, Grooveshark became a hub for discovering new music, powered by the very community it served. This aspect of user-generated content is crucial for creative startups as it provides authentic and diverse content that resonates with a wider audience, driving further engagement and growth.

In my current role at Harmonic Reach, applying these learnings has been instrumental in helping music and tech startups leverage niche communities for predictable growth. The key takeaway here is that engaging with niche communities requires a deep understanding of their needs and preferences, and a genuine effort to provide value. It’s not just about marketing to these communities, but rather growing with them."

Validating growth with targeted engagement

Haiko de Poel, Owner at Mass Impact

"Through my role in digital transformation and marketing innovation, I've learned the importance of niche communities in validating and scaling the growth of creative startups. For example, at a SaaS company focused on digital transformation solutions, we identified a niche community of small- to mid-sized business owners interested in streamlining their operations through technology. By engaging with this community through targeted content, forums, and webinars, we gathered invaluable feedback that shaped our product development, making our solutions more relevant and user-friendly for our target audience.

Niche communities offer a unique advantage as they consist of individuals already interested or invested in the area your startup is focusing on. This pre-established interest makes it easier to introduce your product or service, as you're addressing an audience that recognizes the value or need for what you're offering. For instance, when working on SEO strategies for a startup, we honed in on niche communities within the marketing and SEO spaces. By participating in these community discussions and offering expert advice, we were able to position our startup as a knowledge leader, which significantly enhanced our brand’s visibility and credibility.

Another case study from my experience involves leveraging niche communities for an e-commerce project. We targeted communities passionate about sustainable living and environmental conservation, aligning our product offerings with their values. This not only facilitated a deeper connection with potential customers but also turned them into brand advocates.

Engaging with these communities allowed us to tailor our marketing strategies to resonate with their beliefs, resulting in higher engagement rates and conversions. This approach highlights the power of understanding and integrating with niche communities—it goes beyond mere transactional relationships, fostering a sense of shared values and purpose."

An unparalleled platform for market testing

Alex Taylor, Head of Marketing & SEO Specialists at CrownTV

"Niche communities offer an unparalleled platform for market testing and product development for creative startups. Operating within these specialized groups enables startups to engage directly with their target audience, collecting insights and feedback in real time.

This interaction is invaluable for iterating on product features, ensuring that the final offering is not only innovative but also precisely tailored to meet the desires and needs of the community. Such a strategy not only enhances product-market fit but also significantly propels a startup's ability to innovate and stay ahead of market trends, leveraging the community's insights for a competitive advantage."

Gather actionable user insights

Precious Abacan, Marketing Director at Softlist

"Niche communities offer startups the opportunity to gather important real-time insights and actionable responses. For startups, managing a community well can provide your sales team with a robust pipeline of potential customers who are already engaged—often, the first interaction with a company happens through a channel in a niche community.

The customer support team benefits too, as they can address issues immediately, while also becoming more efficient and reducing the volume of support tickets thanks to peer-to-peer help. Product teams gain insights as well, seeing where users are encountering difficulties, what new features are being requested, and what overall feedback is coming in.

By engaging in this way, you're not just focusing on your product; you're contributing value to the niche community. This approach naturally leads to building a mutually beneficial relationship with your users."

Build a product for an existing niche community

Gauri Manglik, CEO & Co-Founder at Instrumentl

"In my experience, one of the most significant roles that niche communities play in the success of creative startups is providing a built-in audience and customer base. When you're launching something new and innovative, finding your initial users and customers is one of the biggest challenges. Building a product for an existing niche community allows you to tap into a group that is already interested in what you have to offer. They understand your vision and value proposition right away.

As an entrepreneur, that means you can get feedback, validation, and even sales much faster. You don't have to spend as much time educating people about why your product or service is useful and important. The niche community is already primed and eager to engage with it.

They become your biggest champions, advocates, and evangelists right from the start. In my view, that type of momentum and support is essential for any creative startup in those early days. The niche community provides a launching pad that can make or break your success."

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Get user-generated content

Kate Ross, PR Specialist at Irresistible Me

"Finding our niche community was a bit like finding our tribe. We looked for people who love talking about and experimenting with hair styling and extensions. Places like Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and beauty blogs were where we found our people hanging out.

Once we found them, it was all about chatting and sharing, not just selling. We love to give out tips on hair styling, care tricks, and sneak peeks behind the scenes of our products. Working with beauty bloggers for tutorials also showed our extensions in real life, which people really appreciated.

One of the best things we’ve done is getting our community to create content. We encourage them to post their own photos showing off their hair transformations with our products. It's genuine, it's real, and it makes them feel like they're a big part of our story. Plus, it shows off our products in a way that feels authentic, not salesy.

In terms of standing out in a crowded space, it really comes down to making genuine connections and building trust. We always listen to what our community says, whether it’s feedback on products or new ideas they want us to explore. Showing we care and adapt based on what they tell us has helped turn our customers into some of our biggest fans."

The secret to growth is niche appeal

John Kadias, PR & Marketing at CubiCasa

"In the vibrant landscape of creative startups, the secret to monumental success lies not in the broad strokes of mainstream appeal, but in the intricate details of engaging niche communities. It's about diving deep into the fabric of these communities, tailoring our messages to resonate on a personal level, and fostering a symbiotic relationship where value is both given and received. By collaborating with influencers, championing user-generated content, and offering exclusive experiences, we can cultivate a loyal base of supporters. This base becomes the cornerstone of our growth, driving innovation and sustaining us in competitive markets. Remember, it's through understanding and integrating into these niche communities that we unlock the true potential of our creative endeavors."

Comprehend your audience's priorities

Derrick Hathaway, Sales Director at VEM-Medical

"In my sales and marketing expertise, I've seen that such communities may provide valuable support, feedback, and even early adopters for new products or services. Participating in niche communities can also help entrepreneurs better understand their target demographic, which is necessary for developing efficient marketing tactics. Overall, creating partnerships with specialist communities can be a wise decision for businesses trying to influence their field.

Over time, I've found the following tactics to be helpful:

• It's critical to comprehend your specific audience's identity and priorities. This entails conducting in-depth research and paying attention to their opinions.

• The effectiveness of community-driven marketing strategies can be very high. This could entail organizing gatherings, starting online discussion boards, or collaborating with influencers who share your target audience's interests.

• Genuineness is essential. Sincereness is highly detectable by niche audiences; thus, being sincere in your interactions and conversations is critical.

• Adding value is crucial to fostering loyalty. Whether via superior goods, outstanding customer support, or exclusive benefits, providing your target market with something worthwhile will keep them returning for more."

Implement community-driven marketing tactics

Irene Graham, Co-Founder at Spylix

"As the co-founder of Spylix, I attribute a significant part of our startup's success to the strategic engagement with niche communities. During the early stages, identifying these communities played a pivotal role. We meticulously researched and understood our target audience, recognizing the specific subcultures and communities that aligned with our creative offerings.

Our approach involved active participation in online forums, social media groups, and industry-specific events. By immersing ourselves in these spaces, we gained insights into the needs and preferences of our niche audience. This hands-on approach allowed us to tailor our offerings and marketing strategies to meet the unique expectations of our identified community.

Building on this understanding, we implemented community-driven marketing tactics. Collaborations with influencers within these niche communities amplified our reach organically. By fostering genuine connections and involving our audience in the creative process, we built a loyal customer base that not only appreciated our products but also felt a sense of ownership and pride in being part of the Spylix community.

In the competitive market, this personalized and community-centric approach set Spylix apart, creating a brand that resonates with our audience on a deeper level. Our commitment to understanding and engaging with niche communities continues to be a cornerstone of our success story."

Create exclusive benefits for community members

Vicki Morillo, Head of Marketing at Cordless

"Niche communities often act as catalysts for creative startups. They provide a concentrated pool of potential customers who are already interested in the specific product or service the startup offers. This pre-existing interest not only reduces the effort required to generate initial traction but also fosters a sense of belonging among customers, leading to higher loyalty and retention rates.

Identifying and engaging with these niche audiences requires a deep understanding of their needs, preferences, and communication channels. One effective strategy is to leverage community-driven marketing tactics, such as influencer partnerships or user-generated content campaigns. These tactics not only increase brand visibility within the community but also build trust and credibility.

Another strategy is to create exclusive experiences or benefits for community members. This could be in the form of early access to new products, special discounts, or opportunities to participate in product development. Such initiatives make community members feel valued and appreciated, further strengthening their loyalty to the brand."

A focused approach

Paul Chow, CTO at 3DGearZone

"Starting small and targeting a specific audience allows you to truly understand their needs and tailor your product or service perfectly. These niche communities offer valuable feedback, help refine your ideas, and can even become your first passionate customers. It's all about building a strong connection with a dedicated group, rather than trying to be everything to everyone. This focused approach helps you establish yourself as the go-to solution within your niche, setting the stage for future growth."

Identify hyper-engaged micro-audiences

Shambhu Kadel, Founder at KBA Global

"For new creative businesses, tapping into passionate niche communities can be an absolute game-changer. Rather than trying to appeal to a broad, saturated market, startups can stand out by laser-focusing their products and marketing toward hyper-engaged micro-audiences. The key is identifying these niche groups through online research, social listening, attending local events and good old-fashioned networking. Once those sub-cultures are mapped, startups can begin organically participating in their hangouts, forums, and discussions.

Building genuine connections as an authentic community member, not just blasting impersonal ads, is essential for earning trust and word-of-mouth advocacy. Creating bespoke content and sharing behind-the-scenes looks tailored specifically to that audience's interests pays major dividends too. Leveraging influencers, collaborating with other community-beloved brands, and crowdsourcing feedback establishes startups as in-tune with that niche's wants and needs.

While more labor-intensive, this community-driven approach breeds incredibly passionate, loyal customer bases that become powerful extended marketing forces. Their word-of-mouth, user-generated content, and amplification can launch little-known startups into cult phenomenons within their fanatic niche circles. For creatives, embedding themselves in their low-competition niche communities is often their greatest key to success."

Broad marketing strategies lose their relevance

Brian David Crane, Founder & CEO at Caller Smart, Inc.

"For businesses and brands, niche audience targeting is an evolved strategy for carving a place in the consumer's minds, especially as broad marketing strategies lose their relevance. Niche communities help build a meaningful connection that is personal and highly specialized, for they comprise a specific group of users whose needs and interests match precisely with what your brand offers, which also can be a suitable medium for nurturing committed brand ambassadors.

Creating a detailed buyer persona helps unravel any unmet needs of this niche, understand buyer behavior, motivation and interests, that help create unique brand offerings that fulfil their needs. Data analytics also play a crucial role in understanding user behavior, whether gleaned through direct customer interactions or website/social media communications. Crafting hyper-personalized content that addresses their pain points and using storytelling to build thought leadership & engagement, whether it is through real-life experiences, customer case studies, or testimonials, help build a community of empowered users.

For example, at CallerSmart, we have used these same principles to leverage a community of more than 300,000 engaged users around anti-phishing, cybersecurity and digital privacy domains, advocating the importance of digital awareness to keep themselves secure online. We also have used gamification to seed a continuously updated "scammers phone database" database where users report scam numbers for others to avoid and earn free rewards & badges."

A safe space for start-ups to share their value proposition

Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Sr. Marketing Manager at Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

"Niche communities provide a focused, engaged audience, and not to mention, a safe space for start-ups to share their mission and value proposition where it would resonate the most. You can also make use of your resources more efficiently, establish strong brand advocates, and create meaningful relationships.

Being able to identify and actually engage with these communities would help you understand consumer needs, preferences, and pain points so start-ups can tailor their key messages to meet the specific demands of each market segment. This is vital as community-driven strategies amplify visibility and credibility within niche markets."

Create solutions to real problems

Stephanie Leathe, CEO & Founder at Altar Live

"The first step is to intentionally and strategically connect with your target audience. Listening to their stories, participating in industry events, and one-on-one conversations give you perspective into your audience’s world. Niche communities often come with unique needs that aren't meant by conventional products or services. Once you find the pain points they experience with these products, you can begin building.

Not only does this allow you to create solutions to real (not assumed) problems, but you also demonstrate that your company knows how to listen to the community's needs. A startup that shows it understands the real problem, listens to its users, and executes feedback will stand out even amongst established competitors."


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