PR ON THE GO July 12, 2024

When and How to Pitch a Commerce Editor or Shopping Writer - Affiliate PR 1x1

E-commerce writers, commerce editors and shopping writers are journalistic roles that are expanding across the lifestyle media landscape. The main goal of these new positions is to bridge the gap between editorial recommendations and commercial brand collaborations by recommending shoppable items through affiliate systems.

We asked our PR and growth experts to explain the role of a Commerce Writer, what types of businesses they are relevant to, e.g. home products, fitness & health products, and what affiliate system brands need to join to be eligible for coverage.

Here you will find profiles of Commerce Writers, examples of campaigns and general guidance on how to take advantage of this type of press coverage.

Leverage media platform shopping

Emily Reynolds-Bergh, Publicist and Owner at R Public Relations, advises: "These days, nearly every platform has a shopping element. It can be lucrative to build relationships with e-commerce writers to optimize your products for maximal discovery and brand awareness across platforms. Affiliate marketing programs are great for any e-commerce brand, but especially those in the lifestyle category, as a lot of content posted on popular social media channels is aspiration lifestyle content. You don’t need to join every affiliate program you come across; be selective and choose the ones that will yield the most opportunities in your niche."

Tap into the brand trust the magazine's eCommerce writer provides

Keren Dinkin, Digital Marketing Expert at Epic Owl, adds: "Ecommerce is a highly competitive landscape filled with copycat products, especially in popular categories like fashion, lifestyle, home improvement, fitness, etc. Multiple sellers trade in nearly identical products. To gain a competitive edge and convince your customers to make a purchase, you need to go beyond ordinary marketing tactics.

Instead of beating your own drum, allow others to do it for you. By others, I mean eCommerce and shopping writers and editors. As trusted experts in their niche, they know how to utilize the power of words and content to convince your customers. They can talk about your products or recommend them in a matter-of-fact manner that’s believable to your prospects. While your customers may not believe everything you say, they are more likely to trust a fellow shopper (i.e. eCommerce writer) with product recommendations. That’s because your customers identify with them and consider them to be impartial.

Meanwhile, you can enter into an affiliate partnership with the eCommerce writers and pay them per action. You can look for affiliate programs on common marketplaces like Amazon, ClickBank, CJ Affiliate, or more to partner with eligible eCommerce writers. Or, you could draw up an affiliate program at your end and have eligible shopping writers sign up. The choice is yours!"

Get featured in product round-ups

Connor Butterworth, CEO & Owner at Southwestern Rugs Depot, reports from their brand experience: "E-commerce writers, commerce editors, and shopping writers play a crucial role in today’s lifestyle media by directly connecting readers with products they might love, especially through affiliate systems. Think of these roles as the bridge between product discovery and purchase. They create content that not only informs but also persuades. This is super relevant for businesses that sell consumer products, like home decor, fashion, tech gadgets, or beauty items. Basically, if a product can be bought online, these writers can help push it.

To be eligible for coverage by these media professionals, brands typically need to join popular affiliate programs. Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Rakuten Affiliate Network are among the top choices. When brands enroll in these programs, they provide unique links to their products. Writers then incorporate these links into their articles, reviews, or listicles. If a reader clicks the link and makes a purchase, the writer—and potentially the publication—earns a commission. This incentivizes both the writer and the publisher to feature quality products that are likely to convert.

At Southwestern Rugs Depot, coverage can range from product round-ups like "Best Rugs for a Cozy Living Room" to seasonal guides such as "Top Picks for Fall Home Decor."

How to Pitch a Commerce Editor Or Shopping Writer

When it comes to catching the eye of a commerce editor or shopping writer, we've gathered expert insights from publicity professionals. Omer Lewinsohn, General Manager & Marketing Expert at, says to align your pitch with the publication's style: "In the realm of affiliate PR, a key tip for effectively pitching your brand to a commerce editor or shopping writer is to tailor your pitch to align with their audience's interests and the publication’s style. Start by researching the editor’s recent articles and the publication’s typical content themes. This background work allows you to craft a personalized pitch that demonstrates how your brand or product not only fits but enhances their content.

Highlight the unique aspects of your product or brand that make it newsworthy, such as innovative features, sustainability practices, or exclusive offers for their readers. Provide all necessary information succinctly, including high-quality images, product descriptions, and any relevant data points that underline the appeal of your product.

Moreover, make the collaboration as straightforward as possible for the editor by outlining clear, beneficial terms for their readers, like special discounts or early access. This approach not only captures the editor's interest but also presents your brand as a valuable contributor to their content, increasing the likelihood of a successful partnership."

Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner at Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency, gives an example on how to tailor a pitch to audience and content: "I think the key to effectively pitching your brand to a commerce editor or shopping writer is to tailor your pitch to their specific audience and content style. Research their recent articles to understand what they focus on and align your pitch with those themes.

For example, when pitching a local escape room client to a local blogger, I noticed the blogger frequently covered unique, family-friendly activities.

I highlighted how the escape room offered themed experiences perfect for families and groups, and I emphasized any special events or seasonal themes they had. This personalized approach showed I’d done my homework and increased the likelihood of the pitch being accepted."

Connect with these Commerce Writers

E-Commerce Writer Erin Lassner headshot

Erin Lassner


Erin Lassner is E-Commerce Writer at entertainment magazine The Hollywood Reporter. See their shoppable articles here, and find their contact info in the PR ON THE GO journalist profile.

Ecommerce Editor Hannah Fox headshot

Hannah Fox


Hannah Fox is Ecommerce Editor at Good Housekeeping UK. See their shoppable articles here, and find their contact info in the PR ON THE GO journalist profile.

Emily Scrivener headshot

Emily Scrivener


Emily Scrivener is Deputy Commerce Editor at MailOnline UK. See their shoppable articles here, and find their contact info in the PR ON THE GO journalist profile.

Luke Chamberlain headshot

Luke Chamberlain


Luke Chamberlain is Ecommerce Editor at Men's Health UK. See their shoppable articles here, and find their contact info in the PR ON THE GO journalist profile.


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