PR ON THE GO April 4, 2023

Why Does a Startup CEO Need a Personal Blog?

PR Inspiration

Julia Voloshchenko portrait

Public Relations Specialist in IT with 4+ years of experience. With excellent communication and strategy skills, Julia helps technology companies spread their message to major media outlets.

Today, social networks play a big role in the development of companies: they provide an opportunity to demonstrate their expertise, share achievements and talk about experiences.

But while almost every executive has a page on social networks, the blog remains an inaccessible tool. And in vain! Blog is one of the least expensive, in terms of budget, ways to promote business. It plays an excellent role in attracting and retaining customers, it demonstrates the expertise of the company and its employees, helps to build the personal brand of the CEO. Now, the blog is one of the conditions that help the successful development of business and personal brand.

The benefits of blogging

Above I have already listed some benefits of blogging, but I want to complete this section and disclose the benefits more broadly. So, what does blogging give your business?

1) If you are a CEO, a blog is a great way to showcase your expertise

You can talk about your experiences. By the way, the story of successes and mistakes, as well as the decisions you make, will be better received by the audience. You can also share useful materials and compilations, analytics and your views on certain trends.

Blogging draws attention to your business. Being active as a CEO allows you to communicate the values and mission of the business to your audience, as well as increase your credibility.

But at the same time, remember that you are the face of your company and your brand, so avoid harsh and offensive language.

2) Personal blogging allows you and your business to be competitive

Special style, unusual design, interesting texts and professional community – in the presence of these elements you can make your blog original in its niche. In addition, it will make you stand out in the market and make you attractive to potential customers and investors.

Before launching your blog, think through your design, style and content plan. To do this, you can analyze your competitors: what and how they write about, how their blog is designed.

3) Blogging is an influence on search engine optimization

If you follow the selection of keywords for your blog, follow the analytics and leading trends, you can have a good impact on the position of your blog in search engines. This will play a great role in attracting new customers.

PR ON THE GO Media Lists: Carefully curated journalist contacts and verified email addresses.

What to write on the blog?

First, you need to define your target audience: who are they, and what are their needs? This information will help you form a proper content plan for the next month.

Based on this, formulate a content plan. I recommend sticking to these topics, but it all depends on you and the type of business you have:

• Your personal experiences, your mistakes, and achievements

• Your cases and customer stories (if they're not confidential)

• Your perspective on technology and trends in your business

• Changes in your field

• Interview

• Your business history

Of course, this is an incomplete list of topics and can change depending on your goals and your audience.

Where to blog?

The first option is your own website or your business' website. This is the most attractive option.

The second is Medium. This is a free platform where you can write articles on any topic.

The third is LinkedIn, where you can post short notes and articles on your personal page.


A personal blog is an opportunity not only to attract clients and grow your business, but also to develop your personal brand. It is an investment in your career that should not be missed.


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