New PR tactics in the era of advanced technologies
With The Coup Public Relations, Melanie creates a portfolio of global media coverage for startups, brands, global enterprises and their thought leaders. The Coup has been operating out of Europe - Berlin and Athens - since 2010. Melanie Marten has more than 15 years of experience in public relations as a driving force for business development. She is the founder of the growth hacking network PR ON THE GO.
• Actionable free PR that entrepreneurs should leverage
With a vast media landscape out there, there are lots of opportunities to get profile features for your business. I will introduce some of them and talk about the importance of leveraging free PR opportunities.
• How to choose the marketing channels to focus on
Nowadays there are endless ways to market your business. Yet, we don't have the resources to be everywhere all at once. I will speak about the importance of identifiying the channels where your audience is and that are the easiest for you to constantly create content for.
• New PR tactics in times of advanced technologies
I will introduce important changes in PR tactics that applied since we entered the era of advanced technologies, e.g. when and how to make use of AI versus authenticity in campaigns.
• Get practical advice for your startup or business in the creative industries
A workshop-based portion of the Masterclass is designed to help guide you to the path of least resistance.
PR ON THE GO Masterclass with Melanie Marten
April 10, 2025
1.5 hours • USD 35.00
New York, NY, USA 11PM
London, United Kingdom 4PM
Athens, Greece 6PM
The masterclass will discuss important changes in PR tactics that have occurred since we entered the era of advanced technologies. This includes when and how to use AI versus real voices in campaigns. Examples include the benefits of generating AI headshots from simple selfies, which can replace time-consuming portrait photo shoots for interview subjects. However, AI-generated content is not always welcome. Melanie Marten will explain why AI-generated interview answers won't be published anymore, and why journalists and media houses are using AI content detectors to check your content for authenticity. Other PR hot topics include social listening and how to directly benefit from it for your campaigns.
One topic covered in the masterclass will be "Algorithm Press" - a term coined by Melanie Marten to describe the vast array of guaranteed press release placements through newswire services. This type of press distribution typically places your news in national and local news outlets and business media platforms. It becomes algorithm press because it's unlikely to be read beyond the headline, but it provides valuable backlinks and a listing in Google News.
Melanie Marten will explain what this can and cannot do for your business development - including pushing your brand keywords up the Google search agenda or building backlinks for your business website, but not expecting engagement or community building.
To get started, this masterclass will guide brands on how to get started with affiliate links in media. Participants will learn the importance of joining one of the leading affiliate networks and run campaigns that connect them directly with publishers. The editorial coverage is in exchange for a commission when purchases are made. Print media's online channels are becoming increasingly dependent on this as advertising revenue declines.
Examples of media that dedicate their coverage to recommending products with affiliate links include Telegraph Recommends, The Independent's IndyBest, New York Magazine's The Strategist, and the Hollywood Reporter's lifestyle shopping section.