PR ON THE GO April 21, 2024

Navigating Evolving Trends in Content Consumption

From livestreams, decentralized social networks, Edutainment and beyond: We asked our PR and growth experts for their analysis of changing trends in content consumption and distribution, with a focus on the impact of emerging platforms and technologies.

Read what the experts have to say about tactics for creating engaging content across media, optimizing for mobile and social media consumption, and staying ahead of evolving audience preferences.

  • Make use of livestreams
  • Know that video is almost always mobile opens
  • Create content in the format that works best for YOU and then repurpose it.
  • Plan with dispersed social media platforms
  • Grab attention through edutainment
  • Deliver superior content and value to your audiences
  • Use a snackable content approach
  • Consider the concept of modular storytelling
  • Cater to the localization content trend
  • Create content tailored to each platform
  • Think multiplatform and mobile-first
  • Focus on storytelling and emotion
  • Provide seamless experiences

Make use of livestreams

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Owner at Mavens & Moguls

"The world is becoming more visual when it comes to consuming content which has made visual-driven platforms like YouTube/Instagram/TikTok gain popularity in selling. With the rise of a generation that would much rather watch/look at something vs sit/read, there’s going to be a growing trend of more visual content including pictures/videos (long and short form)/memes/diagrams/infographics. As more people shifted online during the pandemic, live streams were increasingly used to host public events/meetings on platforms like Twitch.

In a mobile first world, you have less time to grab people, attention spans are shorter than ever so video is used even more to boost rankings. The world is moving to mobile first/mobile only, fewer people accessing web on big screens so everyone will keep tailoring their site/message/content accordingly. Content marketing/content creation has spiked since the pandemic hit, with 50+ million people now considering themselves creators. Anyone with the drive/motivation to bring their ideas to life can get access to the same infrastructure that the top creators historically have gotten.

Creators today are reimagining the ways influencers connect to fans/produce content/run their businesses. Brands are better served by working with micro-influencers who match campaign posts with the micro-influencer’s usual look/feel. It shouldn’t feel like a paid opportunity, slapping on the #ad to a post. Content marketing will thrive as AI use accelerates."

Video is almost always mobile opens

Hannah Lightner, Strategic Marketing Consultant at Copy Creative

"Content consumption and distribution is changing rapidly! We've seen a mass exodus from Twitter, an uptick in AI and 'bot' content on LinkedIn, and TikTok reels trending on every platform. Overall, my emphasis is that short form content and video content has been consistently outperforming any other types of media. Consumers want to consume and engage with media at their own leisure, and video content fits the bill.

Additionally, while email and website traffic is statistically 50/50 browser vs. mobile, video is almost always mobile opens. If your video links out to websites, landing pages, or forms, your first thought should be to design with the mobile user in mind! Video autoplay, image loading speed optimization, pixel width, and more are all key features to consider when creating engaging content-- whatever the distribution channel."

Create content in the format that works best for YOU and then repurpose it.

Jaclyn Sergeant, Owner at Sergeant Digital

"The best strategy for content marketing is to create content in the format that works best for YOU and your subject matter experts, and then repurpose it with your distribution strategy.

For example, some people find it easiest to talk out their thoughts and would benefit from creating long-form, podcast-style content. Others are great on video, or in written communication, so their main form of content would follow those formats.

Once you have the foundational long-form content, then you will repurpose and distribute this across your other channels such as newsletters, social media, blog posts, etc. This shift in tactics makes content creation easier for your team while also allowing you to diversify your marketing across channels and formats to accommodate your audience's preferences."

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Plan with dispersed social media platforms

Steve Feiner, CEO & Founder at Techjive

"The emergence of decentralized networks is among the biggest changes that social media will face in the future. These networks, which give users more control and anonymity, are based on blockchain technology. Users control who can access their data and are the owners of that information. An increasing number of these platforms—such as "Mastodon" and "Diaspora"—are anticipated to surface as users look for alternatives to established, centralized social networks."

Grab attention through edutainment

Nick Robinson, Co-Founder at PickandPullsellcar

"Edutainment is like learning with a twist. It's about sharing useful stuff in fun ways that catch your eye and keep you interested. Think of videos that teach you things with cool music or pictures that make you want to talk about them. It's a mix of learning and having a blast making it easy for everyone to understand and enjoy. Whether it's cartoons or cool graphics, edutainment grabs your attention and makes you want to learn more. This way, learning isn't boring anymore. It's all about exploring new ideas while having a great time."

Deliver superior content and value to your audiences

David Reid, Sales Director at VEM Tools

"The shift in content consumption and distribution trends is proudly sponsored by new media platforms and technologies. The increase in streaming services like Amazon, Showmax, Netflix and Spotify, and social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, have highly impacted the way audiences consume content. These platforms now rub shoulders with retail media platforms like Walmart and Apple, which have had significant audiences and even built their own ad management capabilities.

To create engaging content across various social media channels, marketers should focus on optimizing their contents for social media and their target market’s consumption. This includes understanding the importance of owning or streaming content, the growth of social media, live videos, and the impact of personalized content. They should also be aware of the issues posed by these new platforms, such as the need for tech support, regulatory compliance, and security.

Businesses should also focus on providing superior content and value, as the current social media audiences are more selective in their content preferences due to economic pressures."

Use a snackable content approach

Matthew Ramirez, Founder at Rephrase

"As an entrepreneur, think about using a "snackable content" approach. This means making small, eye-catching content that can be easily viewed on phones and shared on social media. Use short videos, GIFs, and striking images to quickly grab people's attention and get your message across.

To ensure you keep up with the changing preferences of your audience, regularly keep an eye on new trends and carefully analyze the feedback you receive from your audience. Try out various types of content and different styles to figure out what your target audience responds to the most. Encourage active participation from your audience by including interactive features like polls, quizzes, and challenges that involve user-generated content."

Consider the concept of modular storytelling

Casey Meraz, Digital Marketing professional

"Shifting trends in content consumption and distribution are undoubtedly influenced by emerging platforms and technologies. These changes have evolved user behavior, instigating a shift from passive consumption to active participation. Enabled by platforms such as YouTube and Twitch, this monumental evolution supports the development of a participatory culture that challenges the traditional media hierarchy and empowers anyone to be a creator.

As content consumers increasingly become creators, a profound and intimate level of engagement is formed. Creators build communities around shared interests, facilitating robust conversations with their audiences, inviting collaborations, and fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Consider the tactic or concept of 'modular storytelling'. With this approach, you create a central piece of content and break it down into smaller, stand-alone pieces tailored to the unique features and audiences of different platforms. This approach allows you to cater to the unique format and interaction styles preferred by audiences on different platforms while ensuring consistency and coherence in your overall message."

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Cater to the localization content trend

Andrew Grella, CEO & Founder at Formen Makeup

"The significant trend impacting content consumption and distribution is undeniably the rise in localized content, made possible by the surge in regional streaming platforms. This progression caters to a widely diverse range of cultural preferences and languages, facilitating a more inclusive global content ecosystem. By embracing cultural storytelling nuances, these platforms successfully close the gap between cultures, enabling creators who are generally underrepresented to connect with a global audience base.

Advancements in technology have considerably reshaped media consumption habits. Novel platforms have surfaced, altering the media landscape with introductions such as short video apps like TikTok or OTT platforms like Disney+. These platforms are pushing boundaries beyond traditional television and cinematic consumption, which inevitably require adaptation on the creator's side.

To create captivating content across various mediums, creators should adapt to each platform's nuances and audience preferences. For example, short and engaging videos embedded with captions could work well for TikTok, whereas longer form and narrative-driven content might be more suitable for an OTT platform.

Considering the localization boom, incorporate native languages and local cultural references in your content. This simultaneously personalizes and broadens content appeal, fostering inclusivity and establishing a truly global presence."

Create content tailored to each platform

Gauri Manglik, CEO & Co-Founder at Instrumentl

"The key to creating engaging content across mediums and staying ahead of evolving audience preferences is understanding your audience and crafting personalized experiences. In my experience, the most effective tactic is to develop dedicated content strategies tailored to each platform and the unique ways users consume content on them.

For example, on Instagram, I often use bright, eye-catching visuals and bite-sized captions knowing that most users quickly scroll the feed. On LinkedIn, I take a more educational approach with long-form posts that provide value. For email newsletters, I craft a clear narrative arc throughout each edition, driving readers to click through to the website. Regardless of platform, I always optimize content for mobile since that is where the majority of users now consume media.

By taking the time to analyze how your target audiences use each platform, you can develop content that speaks directly to them in the appropriate format. This thoughtful, strategic approach allows you to maximize engagement and stay at the forefront of evolving consumption habits."

Think multiplatform and mobile-first

Daniel Nyquist, CMO at Crosslist

"One of the most effective tactics for creating engaging, optimized content is to think multi-platform and mobile-first. Start by developing content that is highly visual and snackable, under 280 characters for example, that can be distributed across social media. Then build out longer-form content from there.

For example, a few years ago my company launched an awareness campaign on childhood literacy. We first created an infographic with startling statistics on the impact of illiteracy that could be shared on Instagram and Twitter. We then turned that into a series of microblog posts with more details, followed by a short video for YouTube. Finally, we published an in-depth report on our website and Medium.

By thinking about mobile and social media first, we were able to reach audiences wherever they were and stay ahead of trends toward more visual content. The multi-platform approach also allowed us to provide different levels of depth for different audiences, engaging both those with a passing interest as well as literacy advocates. Overall it led to one of our most successful campaigns with high visibility and engagement across demographics."

Focus on storytelling and emotion

Dmitriy Bobriakov, Marketing Manager at RealEstateU

"Creating engaging content across various mediums and optimizing for mobile and social requires constantly adapting to your audience. In my experience, the most effective tactic is to focus on storytelling and emotion. Tell compelling stories that evoke a reaction from your viewers. This allows your content to connect on a deeper, more meaningful level.

For example, I worked on a social campaign for a non-profit organization. Rather than just sharing facts, we created a series of short videos showing real people positively impacted by the organization's work. The authenticity and emotion of these stories led to extremely high engagement rates across platforms. We learned that while facts and figures are important, nothing resonates more than making your audience feel something.

By focusing on storytelling that elicits an emotional response, you can create impactful content that engages viewers regardless of platform. Tailor the stories to resonate with your target audiences while keeping up with trends and preferences. This empathetic approach is key to developing a loyal, engaged following across mediums in today's digital landscape."

Provide seamless experiences

Dmitrii Kustov, Marketing Director at Regex SEO

"Content consumption undergoes significant changes, heavily influenced by shifting consumer expectations and technological advancements. In my opinion, one of the most notable shifts is the increased expectation for instant gratification. This became especially evident during the pandemic years. Even though people have access to large screens at home (desktops, TVs), a significant number of people prefer to consume content on their phones. This trend has become even more evident today, with consumers increasingly demanding access to content at their fingertips, regardless of their physical location or device.

Furthermore, the situation is complicated by consumers' continued demand for seamless experiences. A successful strategy today must effectively support audience engagement across multiple channels. Additionally, this leads smoothly to a certain unification of everything; almost everywhere, one can learn something new, share it, express an opinion, and even make a purchase. The latter is particularly interesting because commerce has now integrated into media content. Platforms like Instagram allow users to make purchases directly through the app. This trend is extending to more dynamic forms of media, such as streaming services that incorporate purchase ads directly into their content. This approach not only meets consumer desires for convenience but also forges a direct connection between viewing and purchasing, diminishing the distinction between entertainment and retail.

These changes are indicative of a broader movement towards a more cohesive, instantaneous, and interactive media landscape, where the distinctions among various types of content and modes of consumption are progressively obscured."


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