PR ON THE GO October 15, 2023

18 Practical Tips To Improve Your Startup's Online Visibility

To help startups boost their online visibility, we've gathered eightteen practical tips from PR and SEO Specialists, founders, and other industry professionals. From embracing storytelling for online presence to capitalizing on market gaps for visibility, these insights offer a comprehensive guide for startups looking to make their mark in the digital world. Dive into these expert strategies to enhance your startup's online presence.

1) Focus On Relevant Keywords For SEO

Emily Reynolds-Bergh, R Public Relations

"A practical tip for startups is to focus on SEO. Optimize your website for relevant keywords with a variety of popularity and regularly create new high-quality, engaging content (a blog is a great way to do this!). Ensure your content offers value to your target audiences and answers questions they have. Conduct keyword research using affordable online tools like SEMRush, monitoring competitors’ actions, and consistently producing SEO-optimized content. Over time, this strategy will boost search engine rankings and attract organic traffic and sales."

2) Use Content Marketing For Organic SEO

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Mavens & Moguls

"Content Marketing is a great foundation for organic SEO by using social media to build your startup brand. Content marketing is the new PR, the single most cost effective way to build awareness/visibility/credibility. The smaller the budget the more important it is to do it because advertising is about reach/frequency/volume so if you cannot advertise a lot you will not get noticed/remembered at all so it can be a waste of money. With content if you get mentioned/noticed/tagged by key influencers which can literally put your brand on the radar/sell out your entire inventory in hours/days.

Content marketing far outweighs paid ads, the benefit of creating content is that the value of being a thought leader is much higher/more credible than a paid ad because it is perceived as more objective/credible. I am also a big fan of Content Marketing as a gateway to Thought Leadership because it is a great way to build your brand, increase your visibility more broadly, raise your profile and attract more clients/customers.

I look for relevant audiences of likeminded people, quantity/size/reach in terms of volume of followers/friends and quality/reputation for link exchanges. It's no longer only about churning out fresh material, refreshing existing content from prior years you not only maximize your previous investment but the traffic drives the rankings too. Repurpose and reuse for best results, what’s old can be new again."

3) Embrace Storytelling for Online Presence

Nikhil Sharma, Wavel AI

"One fantastic way to enhance your startup's online presence is by embracing the art of storytelling. Imagine your startup as a character in a captivating novel. Craft a story that not only introduces your product or service but also vividly paints the picture of the real-world problem it's here to solve and the positive change it can bring. Think of your website, social media channels, and even press releases as chapters in this narrative. Every post, tweet, or article should be a new page in your startup's storybook. Share the journey, the challenges you've faced, and the moments of triumph. Let your audience connect with the human side of your venture. For fellow startups looking to follow suit, remember that storytelling isn't confined to words alone. Visuals, videos, and testimonials from real customers all play a role in this unfolding tale. Be consistent in your storytelling, ensuring that every piece aligns with your startup's core values and personality. By infusing your online"

PR ON THE GO Media Lists: Carefully curated journalist contacts and verified email addresses.

4) Make PR Efforts SEO-Friendly

Olivia Smith, SEO Sherpa

"My number-one tip for improving the online visibility of a start-up is to make all your PR efforts SEO-friendly.

It may sound like an obvious consideration, but so many PR teams miss out on simple tricks that can boost online visibility while also contributing to wider PR and marketing efforts.

Always include hyperlinks back to your site in your press releases, and if a journalist doesn’t link to your brand or product, ask them nicely if they’d provide one.

Whenever you create a press release or report, always ensure this is accompanied by onsite content. This gives you, and the journalist, a place to include a link to. This is much more effective than just asking them to link to the homepage as you’re adding value and more information at the end of the link.

The more quality links you can earn while undertaking your traditional PR efforts, the more impact you will have on wider organic search and visibility results. It's a win-win for start-ups!"

5) Improve Visibility with SEO

Ilmie Zhaku, Eagle IT Solutions

"As a content writer, at the beginning, I always struggled with content marketing. That's why, when startups ask me how they can be noticed online, my answer is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

This means figuring out what words people use to find businesses like yours, making your website content better, creating top-notch stuff, and getting other trustworthy websites to link to yours. When startups do these things right, more people can find them online, visit their website, and learn about what they offer."

6) Start A Link Building Campaign

Vlad Orlov, Respona

"Link building may seem like a lot of work (and it is), but it allows even smaller, lesser-known companies break through the noise. At least, on search engine results pages. With at least one dedicated team member doing link building full-time, you can expect to start ranking on the first page within a couple of month from starting your link building campaigns."

7) Market on TikTok with Engaging Content

Lukasz Zelezny, SEO Consultant London

"One effective strategy I've used to market through the entire funnel on TikTok is by creating engaging and authentic content that resonates with my target audience. This involves understanding my audience's interests, behaviors, and TikTok trends.

I make sure to incorporate a strong call-to-action in every video, whether it's asking viewers to visit my website, check out a product, or simply like and share the video. This has helped me to not only raise awareness about my brand, but also drive traffic, generate leads, and ultimately, increase sales."

8) Swiftly Reply to Comments and Messages

Graham Grieve, A1 SEO

"Engaging actively on social media platforms is one piece of useful advice for enhancing startup visibility online. Post articles, pictures, videos, and user-generated content regularly that are pertinent and interesting.

To promote dialogue and create a community around your brand, swiftly reply to comments and messages. To increase your reach, use trending hashtags and engage in hot topics. Run social media campaigns or contests to promote user-generated content, which will increase interaction. This strategy can assist entrepreneurs of all stripes in connecting with their target market, raising brand awareness, and developing a devoted online following."

9) Tap into the Power of Online Directories

Marco Genaro Palma, TechNews180

"One practical tip that has worked for boosting the online visibility of many startups, including ours, is tapping into the power of online directories. Listing your startup in directories that align with your industry creates more avenues for potential customers to stumble upon your business.

This is an easy yet effective step for startups looking to get noticed. Remember to choose directories that reflect your business niche and search-engine optimize to ensure the right audience is finding you."

10) Write Website Content for People and Search Engines

Beth Gillem, Dogwood Media Solutions

"Write your website content for both people and search engines. For people, make sure the content explains the problems that your service or product solves. Use the words that people would search for when writing, known as keywords. Your content should add value and position you as the expert you are.

For search engines, aim for 300+ words per page, repeat your keyword naturally in the content, and make sure you use heading tags so search engines understand your content. Writing great content that people like and that search engines can understand will help you begin with a strong foundation online and in search."

11) Document Company's Growth Journey Online

Chris Stott, Seven Marketing

"One practical tip for enhancing the online visibility of a startup is to document the company's growth journey in real-time. Share updates, milestones, challenges, and lessons learned through blog posts, social media updates, or even video logs. This creates a narrative that not only humanizes your brand but also engages your audience by giving them a behind-the-scenes look at your operations.

Other startups can apply this approach by regularly updating their community through various digital channels. Consistency is key; a regular cadence of updates can help build a loyal following, improve SEO, and establish your brand as transparent and relatable, thereby boosting online visibility."

12) Gain Visibility through Podcast Appearances

John Ross, Test Prep Insight

"My best advice for start-ups to get cheap and easy online visibility is to send their founder on a podcast spree. The interesting thing about podcasts today is that hosts usually cut up the most interesting soundbites from discussions and turn them into short, downstream clips on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

From there, these clips get inserted into people’s feeds based on relevancy and search history. I cannot tell you how many new companies I’ve learned about simply by seeing their founder on a downstream podcast clip. Relative to the alternatives of paid search, SEO, and content marketing, podcast appearances don’t require much lift and bring you tons of online attention if a given clip goes viral. As such, I would encourage founders to go out and do as many podcasts as possible."

13) Optimize Website for Clarity and Mobile Use

Noel Griffith, SupplyGem

"Starting with the basics is recommended. Ensure your website is up to speed, optimized for mobile, and clear about who you are and what you do.

If your site appears dated and hard to navigate, people may assume your business is too. If your site looks like a high schooler designed it, they might think you're not serious about what you're doing.

Being clear on who you are and what you stand for from the beginning—even if it means having a bit of fun with your branding—is also important. Your customers need to know exactly who they're dealing with, so make sure they know as soon as possible!"

14) Start a Blog for Fresh Content

Gabriele Asaro,

"One practical tip for improving the online visibility of a startup is to start a blog. Blogs offer various benefits, such as the ability to consistently publish fresh and relevant content, which search engines reward with improved search rankings.

To maximize the effectiveness of the blog, it's crucial to understand the audience it serves and create content that addresses their needs. Consistency in the posting schedule is also key to keeping the audience engaged, with quality always taking precedence over quantity when producing content.

When a startup promotes its blog across multiple channels, it broadens its reach and visibility. Optimizing content for search engines ensures better discoverability. Finally, when a brand responds to readers' comments on their blog posts, it fosters a sense of community that encourages engagement and helps to further improve visibility."

15) Elevate Exposure through Guest Blogging

Neil Hodgson Coyle, PRLab

"A hands-on tip for startups seeking online visibility is guest blogging. Dive into this by pinpointing blogs aligned with your industry and proposing captivating articles their readers will value.

This simple act not only elevates your startup's exposure but also cements its authority in the field. Think of it as a win-win: you share expertise, and in return, you gain visibility."

16) Boost Visibility with Newsjacking

Nitin Bajaj, Stratosphere

"Consider “newsjacking,” a creative and lesser-known way to boost online visibility. Monitor trending news and events in your industry or related areas. When a relevant news story breaks, create content or a campaign that ties into it.

By piggybacking on the buzz surrounding a trending topic, your startup can gain quick attention and shareability. This technique not only showcases your agility and relevance but also positions your brand in front of a broader audience. Other startups can apply this by staying vigilant for newsjacking opportunities and crafting timely, on-point content that resonates with current events."

17) Engage Followers on Major Social Media Platforms

Zach Shelley, A-List Properties

"Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have become integral parts of our daily lives. With millions of active users on these sites, they provide a great opportunity for startups to improve their online visibility.

To start with, create profiles on all major social media platforms that apply to your business and target audience. This will allow you to reach a wider audience and interact with potential customers. Make sure to use consistent branding and messaging across all channels so that your brand is easily recognizable.

Additionally, actively engage with your followers by posting interesting and relevant content consistently. This can include product updates, behind-the-scenes content, industry news, or even customer testimonials. By regularly posting engaging content, you can increase your reach and attract new followers."

18) Capitalize on Market Gaps for Visibility

Jason Vaught, SmashBrand

"Regardless of your startup's industry, there's invariably a market gap waiting to be addressed. Capitalizing on this "white space" by offering a unique solution is key to gaining and retaining customer attention.

To enhance online visibility, it's essential to create opportunities and establish an educational framework that resonates with your target audience. Utilize various platforms, like social media, blog posts, and guest appearances, to disseminate this information. Your distinct positioning will help differentiate you from the competition, allowing you to break through the market noise and achieve sustained visibility."


This expert panel was published in collaboration with Featured.

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