PR ON THE GO December 11, 2023

Making Waves of Change: These Are The Social Impact Initiatives We Want To See In 2024

In the quest for meaningful change, we've gathered insights from industry leaders, including PR and growth experts, directors and CEOs, on the social impact initiatives they believe brands should champion in 2024. From tech-enabled social equity to financial literacy initiatives, these thought leaders share a spectrum of social impact strategies and philanthropic ideas for inspiration.

  • Promote Work-Life Balance
  • Create Authentic Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Adopt Sustainability and Transparency
  • Invest in Digital Literacy Programs
  • Focus on Local Community Impact
  • Ensure Fair Worker Compensation
  • Drive Tech-Enabled Social Equity
  • Contribute to Affordable Housing
  • Support Financial Education Initiatives
  • Launch Zero Food Waste Campaigns
  • Practice Operational Transparency
  • Prioritize Inclusive Hiring Practices

Promote Work-Life Balance

Julia Voloshchenko, Usetech

"As we can see during 2023, initiatives related to work-life balance or helping people remain in demand. I would advise companies to pay attention not only to external audiences, but also to internal ones: their employees. As you know, employees are the best brand ambassadors. And motivated and loyal employees will provide your company with better PR and better brand awareness in broader circles."

Create Authentic Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion

Emily Reynolds-Bergh, R Public Relations

"Brands should focus on sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity in 2024. Support environmental causes, promote fair trade practices, and address social issues that your team is qualified to speak on. Ensure the causes you support are authentic to your business and mean something to your team."

Adopt Sustainability and Transparency

Amore Philip, Apples & Oranges Public Relations

"When it comes to social impact, brands can consider implementing a sustainable component into their business that will produce products or services addressing social or environmental issues. Consumers are no longer impressed by glossy ads with high-profile models and influencers; they want authenticity. They want products from brands that care about what they care about. Sustainability and transparency are the way to go."

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Invest in Digital Literacy Programs

Eugene Klimaszewski, Mammoth Security

"The digital divide can harm communities with limited technology access and expose them to online security risks. Brands can help bridge this gap by investing in programs for digital literacy and security awareness. Workshops on cybersecurity, online privacy, and responsible tech use can empower individuals.

This focus serves a dual purpose: safeguarding vulnerable groups from digital threats and making tech benefits accessible to more people. This aligns with Mammoth Security's mission to create a safer digital environment for all."

Focus on Local Community Impact

Sam Roberts, Connect Vending

"It would be great if brands could reorient their social impact initiatives to directly benefit and engage the local community. Many ambitious and well-intentioned social impact programs spend a large part of their budgets on finding ground and promoting their initiatives in new territories.

If brands make it a conscious choice to reach out to members of the local community first, they are likely to make a greater impact and effect more positive changes, as they will interact with familiar entities. No matter the issue they choose to work on, a community-based focus will provide critical resources to those who need them most.

Furthermore, community-based programs can benefit brands tremendously by increasing their value, customer loyalty, and brand perception."

Ensure Fair Worker Compensation

Rengie Wisper, SupplyGem

"I'd like to see brands adopt and implement a very simple social impact initiative: paying their workers more.

In my experience, one of the biggest impacts on the world that could be made by brands is paying their workers a living wage and making sure they have health care benefits. This would have an enormous positive impact on communities, families, and individuals. The cost of doing this is not significant compared to how much some companies spend on advertising or marketing, but it would make a huge difference in how we treat our fellow human beings."

Drive Tech-Enabled Social Equity

Jack Vivian, Increditools

"In my opinion, technology companies should join Social Equity in 2024. There is a new program that uses technology to help people and do good things in the world. This work needs to help people accept each other, provide technology to those who don't have it, and fight social injustices with technology.

Businesses should be in charge of large-scale efforts to close the digital divide. In order for this to work, areas that lack sufficient technology education need computers, the internet, and technology lessons. Today, tech companies can help everyone learn new things and discover new possibilities.

Put diversity and inclusion at the top of your list of things to do to prevent unfair systems from occurring. Mentorship, welcoming spaces, and jobs based on skills can all help make technology more accessible to everyone. It's possible to combat unfairness and spread new ideas if we are open to other points of view.

Technology businesses should support one another. Green production, waste management, and sustainable planning can help businesses last longer. According to recent findings, technology businesses need to do more to protect the Earth.

Companies should fund education that utilizes technology so that more people can access it. They need to collaborate with schools to ensure that everyone receives a quality education, support edTech sites, and make online learning materials the goal. It might be beneficial for everyone to use technology for learning."

Contribute to Affordable Housing

Ryan Carrigan, moveBuddha

"Affordable housing is a critical issue facing many communities, with numerous people struggling to find stable, safe, and affordable places to live. I'd love to see brands invest in the development and preservation of affordable housing. By taking action to address affordable housing, brands can make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people.

Brands can partner with nonprofit organizations, leverage public-private partnerships, and utilize tax credits to develop new affordable housing units. They can also contribute to preservation by providing financial assistance to tenants at risk of displacement. Furthermore, brands can bring awareness to relevant policies and advocate for the support of affordable housing.

I like to support zoning reform that promotes housing development in mixed-income communities and know a few friends in the real estate industry who donate their free time to lobbying for increased funding for affordable housing programs."

Support Financial Education Initiatives

Percy Grunwald, Compare Banks

"In 2024, it is crucial for brands to support financial education programs. When people have the knowledge they need to make good financial decisions, it can be really powerful. CompareBanks, for example, has been working hard to help people understand money and feel confident about it.

Creating programs that make financial information easy to understand is one idea to achieve this. This way, everyone can have access to important information about money. It would be amazing if brands could collaborate with schools and use technology to share practical tips about finances.

By incorporating financial education into their brand message, companies can not only benefit society but also build a loyal customer base who are knowledgeable about money."

Launch Zero Food Waste Campaigns

Tim Allen, Oberheiden P.C.

"I believe it's critical for brands to embrace and launch a "Zero Food Waste Campaign" by the year 2024. Why? Because wasted food causes environmental damage and contributes to world famine.

By adopting effective inventory management practices, donating unsold food, and educating consumers, brands have the ability to reduce food waste, particularly in the food and hospitality industries. As a sign of the brand's dedication to social responsibility and sustainability, this strategy tackles a pressing worldwide issue."

Practice Operational Transparency

Meghan Freed, Freed Marcroft

"For me, I would love to see more businesses practice transparency in their operations and communicate corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts clearly. Brands should be accountable for their actions and regularly report on their social impact initiatives to build trust with consumers.

Transparency and accountability are integral components of a successful and sustainable brand strategy. It's also important to consider staff with this initiative, as employees value transparency from their employers. Brands that are transparent about their values, mission, and business practices create a positive workplace culture. This, in turn, contributes to higher employee morale, satisfaction, and loyalty."

Prioritize Inclusive Hiring Practices

Zach Shelley, A-List Properties

"In today's world, social responsibility has become an important aspect for brands to consider. One impactful initiative that I would like to see more brands adopt and implement by 2024 is the practice of inclusive hiring. This means actively seeking out and providing employment opportunities to individuals from marginalized communities, such as people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and ethnic minorities.

Not only does this help to promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace, but it also helps to provide economic empowerment for those who may face barriers in finding employment. By prioritizing inclusive hiring practices, brands can not only make a positive impact on society but also foster a more diverse and innovative work environment."


This article was published in collaboration with Featured.

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